I just realized that today's outfit is very similar to last Monday's. I just flipped the red skirt and black sweater. I think that is RDog's influence. He helps me pick Monday's clothes Sunday night and likes simple colors - no patterns allowed!
Sweater: Banana Republic
Cami: J Crew (Silk crescent-collar cami) I realized today that it is itchy. I'm not sure why fabric needs to have metallic added into the mix
Skirt: J Crew
Shoes: Sears
Pearl Bracelet: thrifted
Monday, November 30, 2009
What's black and white and red all over? Monday!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Jeans Day
Today is the last Friday of the month which means jeans day! My pair of school jeans (my only pair not too tight in the bum) are looking faded. It looks like I'll have to make a trip to Reitman's soon to find another. Reitman's is the only store I have found that has jeans that fit a girl with thighs and a booty.
Cardigan: Martin and Osa
Blouse: Old Navy - I bought this last weekend on super clearance. It had an elastic around the bottom that I ripped out. I like it much better like this.
Belt: Gap
Jeans: Reitman's
Shoes: The Bay
Outfit of the day - with a friend
Sweater: Martin and Osa adorned with a black flower whose origin I have forgotten.
Blouse: J Crew - I've had this blouse for months but have never worn it. It is sheer and I could never figure out a way to make it school appropriate. Layering it over a tank never felt right. Finally, I had the idea of layering it under a sweater and letting the best part, the frilly collar, pop out. Success!
Pants: Gap
Boots: Naturalizer
Bracelet: Ricki's
Cat: Ruby - She has been fascinated with light lately. When she hears my camera flash, she comes running for a look.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Great Deals at Martin and Osa

I've been aching for a pair for months but have yet to see them go on sale. Tonight, I snagged these in black for $77! They have since disappeared from the site but there are many other available styles.
I also found great deals in Martin and Osa's accessories section on some fairly recent arrivals.

This bracelet looks so pretty. I think it will be great for festive dressing up. It's only $20.

I'm not sure if this necklace will fit in with my style but I thought I'd give it a try.

This chain looks like a great basic and it's only $10.

And finally, the Gunmetals Bubbles Necklace. It didn't come up with an extra $30 off but already was discounted by 50%. In this case, I think that's good enough for me. I love me some bubbles.
In the sale section, the Cashmere and Silk V-Neck Cardigan has been restocked.

I have this cardi in black and purple and wear them a lot. They are warm and cozy. I ordered another in map green for $27.
Weeee. . . I can't wait for my loot to arrive. Merry Christmas to me!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Not cool!
Skirt: Cassis
Tank: J Crew (it's the one with the three rosettes that went on super sale last spring)
Cardigan: J Crew
Necklace: Lia Sophia found on EBay. It's probably a fake as I bought it from the same seller who sold me the fake J Crew bubble necklace. But it's a nice fake and I like it.
Boots: Naturalizer. I was super bummed today when the bottom of one of the heels fell off never to be seen again. I think I have only worn these boots four times. Not cool!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Blingy bling
Today's outfit is all about the necklace.
Sweater: Sears
Pants: The Bay
Belt: Joe Fresh
Shoes: Sears
Necklace: Forever 21 This is the necklace I wanted to wear yesterday but thought it was too much combined with my bight red skirt. So today I kept it simple and let my necklace sparkle. But being from Forever 21, I lost of few parts of the necklace an hour into my day. Beads were falling off and landing in my lap. :-(
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cozy, blingy, and so soft.
Cardigan: J Crew
Cami: J Crew
Skirt: No tag (thrifted)
Tights: Wonderbra - These are super cozy and warm. Why haven't I discovered sweater tights before?
Shoes: The Bay
Bracelet: J Crew
I had a blingy necklace from Forever 21 that I originally planned on wearing but pulled it off before leaviung this morning. I'm overdressed compared to my co-workers as it is so I wimped out on widening that divide. I wish peoplr would dress up more then I wouldn't feel so odd!
I really love the cami (courtesy of J Crew's Facebook free shipping code), Finally, a J Crew cami that doesn't fit me like a tent. It's the Silk crescent-collar cami and currently sold out but it will probably popback. It's really wrinkly but oh so soft. Me likey.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Weekend wear
Shirt: Forever 21
Cardigan: Victoria's Secret
Belt: H&M
Jeans: Reitman's
Shoes: Clark's
I took the day off work yesterday and am feeling much better. I spent the day in bed reading and it was divine! The Brightest Star in the Sky by Marian Keys is a great book. I highly recommend it if you are a fan of the chick lit.
Today we're putting up out outdoor Christmas lights. With the addition of a piano to our cramped house this year, there is no room for an indoor Christmas tree. I plan on going nutso with the outdoor Christmas lights to compensate.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A case of the blahs
I`m feeling very blah today. Not quite sick, but just very tired and low. I think tomorrow may be my first sick day of the year. A blah day calls or comfy clothes.
Pants: Gap (these are my pants that look like jeans, but they`re really pants!)
Blouse: Joe Fresh (another super clearance find - under 5 bucks)
Shoes: Naturalizer loafers. It felt so weird to be wearing a low heel.
Necklace: The Bay
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
These boots are made for walking
Another highly photo-shopped photo for today. However, RDog came home with a camera remote for me so I can take my pictures quickly in the few minutes of sunshine time I have in a day. Yay for RDog!
Dress: Martin and Osa
Blouse: Joe Fresh
Belt: Joe Fresh
Necklace: J Crew
Boots: Naturalizer (I`m loving my new boots. The wide width makes them so comfy on my big clompers. I may have just made the word clompers up.)
What I Wore Last night
I apologize for the lack of blogging over the past few days. I`ve been having troubles getting pictures that are blog worthy. My minutes at home with sunlight are few this days. Last night I came home after dark and took this picture with the dreaded flash. My whole outfit came out as one color; black. Luckily, RDog with his mad photo-shop skills came to the rescue.
Sweater: Martin and OsA
Skirt: Nygard (this baby is oooooold!)
Tights: Joe Fresh (I`ve had these for about a year but just took them out of the package. Colored tights are scary!)
Shoes: Naturalizer
Necklace: Banana Republic
Last night I wore this when we went to see Chantal Kreviazuk. Normally, I am not a fan of concerts. They are too loud, with too many people and I can`t handle standing up too long. This concert, however, was amazing. We had awesome seats (5 rows back and on the aisle - yay, legroom) and Chantal was very personable and funny. My favorites were In This Life, Home, and Plain Jane. If you have never listened to her music and you like the whole girly, piano music genre, give Chantal a try!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th - woooooooooh
Blouse: Old Navy
Cardigan: Martin and Osa (cashmere and so cozy)
Skirt: Cassis (I've been wearing this every week lately)
Boots: Naturalizer
Belt: Joe Fresh
I liked the way this one came together. I'm really digging my new Old Navy shirt. I popped into the Gap today after school to take advantage of the 30% off but wasn't impressed. Everything seemed so boring. I did score some cheap under-roos. The Gap makes the best underwear and they were cheaper than my morning cup of coffee. Gotta love that!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Old Navy Family and Friends Finds

I wish Old Navy, Gap, and Banana Republic had online shopping in Canada. Then I could really do some damage. There was a slim selection of sizes in my store so my shopping was limited. Sadly, there is no Banana Republic (my favorite) in my city.
Anyone else take advantage of this sale? What did you get?

Simple browns
A simple outfit, but today is Thursday where the name of the game is keeping warm. Half an hour of outside duty = brrrrrrrr!
Sweater: Jones New York
Tank: J Crew
Pants: Gap
Shoes: The Bay
Necklace: The Bay
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dress: Martin and Osa
Cardigan: J Crew (one of my beloved Leas)
Necklace: J Crew found on EBay (authentic or not, I'm not sure)
Shoes: Naturalizer
I received many compliments of my necklace today. I've noticed that it really jingles when I walk but other than that, it's such a fun piece. Maybe I should get one in pink too. . . .
Monday, November 9, 2009
Poppy Time
Tonight I have parent-teacher interviews so I want to look extra spiffy.
Blouse: J crew
Skirt:J Crew (I love the little metallic flecks).
Locket necklace: J Crew
Shoes: Cole Haan
My pin is a poppy in honor of Wednesday's Remembrance Day. Hopefully it does not leave a mark in my silk blouse!
I actually had some free time last night, so I made a Polyvore of this outfit.
I haven't played with Polyvore in a long time and have forgotten how fun it is!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday RDog!
This little guy is all grown up. Today he turned 30!
Here is his super duper birthday cake. I didn't make it but I picked out the colors.
Happy birthday!
My new booties
Friday's picture didn't do justice to my new booties. So here they are in all their glory. I love the little buttons and the fact that they are wide enough for my monster feet!
All about the boots!
This outfit was all about the boots. I've been eying the boots at Naturalizer for a few weeks. They are great for me because I have wide feet and calves. Naturalizer makes boots in a wide width and wide shaft. Woot! On Friday I was cruising through the mall and spied this sign at Naturalizer "An extra 20% off boots. Today only." I love extra percentage off sales! I spied these and loved them. They are not leather but I think for my first pair of boots, they will do just fine. If I find that I wear them a lot, I will make the real leather investment.
Dress: Target
Boots: Naturalizer
After taking this picture, I added a black flower clip to the dress and a black feathered head band. I wore this to the wine festival we went to last night. Lots of wine, food and friends. It was a good time.
Friday, November 6, 2009
All about the booties
Today's outfit was all about the shoes. Too bad the picture doesn't do them justice. Last weekend's time change and the early darkness has really messed up my picture taking skills. Anyways, the booties are purple and I love them. I'm a bit shy of wearing colored shoes so I went with a black and purple outfit.
Sweater: RW & Co
Skirt: Cassis
Necklace: Reitman's
Booties: Naturalizer
I'm glad I had shoes with lots of foot coverage because it freaking snowed today. YUCK!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cashmere Thursdays
Today's outfit inspiration came from the fact that it's Thursday and I have a half an hour of outdoor duty. I wanted to wear something warm and cozy and cashmere fits the bill. I haven't worn this sweater in awhile so it was the choice. I received the belt in the mail yesterday (thank you free shipping) and wanted to wear it because it was new.
Sweater: Martin and Osa
Blouse: Mexx
Pants: The Bay
Shoes: The Bay
Belt: J Crew
Necklace: J Crew
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Take Your Kid to Work Day is like Christmas for grade 9 teachers
Today was Take Your Kid to Work Day which means that all grade 9 students went to work with a family member instead of going to school. This meant that I had NO students ALL day. Sweet, sweet joy. Knowing that wasn't going to see many people today, I dressed for comfort.
Sweater: The Bay
Pants: Gap. They kind of look like jeans but they're not. I sometimes get a few sneaky glances from my co-workers when I wear these and a "Is it jeans day and I forgot?" comment. They were not sold in the jeans section at the Gap, they were with the trousers. They're trousers people!
Necklace: Forever 21
Shoes: The Bay
Earrings (not shown): Awesome acorn earrings found on Etsy
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I miss the sun
Cardigan: Tommy Hilfiger
Blouse: Martin and Osa
Pants: Gap
Belt: Joe Fresh
Necklace: EBay
Shoes: Cole Haan
With Sunday's time change, I'm having a hard time getting photos that look decent. By the time I get home, the sun is setting and there isn't enough light for a decent photo. Using a flash just looks yucky. Yuck, I hate winter.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Teaching is easier when half the students are home sick
Blouse: Joe Fresh
Skirt: Silk and thrifted. I found it with the tags still on. I love when that happens.
Shoes: Naturalizer
Bracelet: J Crew
H1N1 panic has hit my school. All students are to be vaccinated at school in the next few weks. My school is one of the last schools to receive the vaccinations because we are a high school and smaller children are the focus. At first, we were told teachers and parents could receive the vaccinations on the same day as the students. Now the story has changed. No vaccinations for teachers. But yet we hear of government employees who don't deal with large portions of the population but are getting a vaccination (like those who work for NB Power, our electric company). I think there may be teacher rioting soon. Maybe not, we'll all be too sick at home to protest.
I'm not sure if kids are really sick or if parents are keeping them home as precaution. Either way, the classrooms were empty today. My 4th period class normally has 26 students; we were at 11 today. Things are getting crazy here. I'm breaking out the Costco sized tubs of hand sanitizer.