Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Over It
Sweater: J Crew
Sweater shell: J Crew (thrifted) - It really is a bright pink in real life
Skirt: J Crew
Shoes: Naturalizer
I am so OVER orange couches and black tights.
The orange couch problem will be fixed within days I predict.
The only time we can fit in picture taking into our day is when RDog gets home from work, aka night time, hence the indoor shots in front of the orange couch. But tonight there was almost enough light left when he got home. Soon you will get to see pictures of me outside standing in front of snow banks. Aren't you excited! :P
The tights problem is nowhere near being resolved. I've still got another two months with these bad boys.
On a more positive note, I love my skirt. I want to cuddle with it.
February Purchases
J Crew No. 2 pencil skirt in royal paisley: $68.59
J Crew Jackie cardigan: $36.39 (My 15th Jackie - yikes!)
Talbots Silk Georgette Pleated Skirt in Cyan and Baccara Rose: $29.59 each
Talbots Double Faced Wool Pencil Skirt: $47:19
Talbots Scoopneck Cable Knit Sweater: $19.99 (actually a green color called Iced Fern Heather)
Total: $231.34
I've been hankering after some nice new skirts for awhile. A lot of my skirts are from Ricki's, which is a cheaper Canadian clothing store. They are polyester and many are unlined. After two years of heavy wear, they are starting to look worn. Time for upgrade.
Next month, hopefully I can upgrade another closet staple; the black pencil skirt. But it has to be on sale, of course!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday Ramblings
Dress: Talbots
Boots: Naturalizer
Last night I was bored and feeling unpretty while watching the Oscars. So I decided to put my hair into rollers for the night to try to make myself look pretty. Darn you Hollywood stars with your pretty dresses, perfect hair and skinniness. These award shows drive me crazy but yet I continue to watch them (while eating chips - which doesn't help with the "look at that skinny bitch, I feel like a cow" feelings).
Anyways, this morning the rollers came out and my hair looked like a fried poodle. Some serious grandma hair was going on. Luckily my hair never holds a curl and it quickly relaxed into this cool (?) looking wave.
And that is the story of why my hair is wavy today. Exciting stuff.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Multiple Buying Problem
Sweater: Talbots
Skirt: Talbots
Shoes: Naturalizer
Getting tired of this skirt? You might soon because my third version of it arrived in pink this week. I love it!
Those who have been reading my blog for awhile, also know I love lipstick. I tried a new one out today after hearing good reviews on the interwebs. It is one of the Lip Butters from Revlon. It is also a hit. I might buy it in multiple colours too.
I have a multiple buying problem.
Opps, I forgot to mention that my 15th Jackie cardigan also arrived this week.
Yikes. I definitely have a problem.
Let's hope RDog doesn't read this or my secret problem will be revealed.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Cheesy Smile
Sweater: J Crew
Cami: Talbots
Skirt: J Crew Factory
Booties: Naturalizer
These pictures don't do the skirt justice. In person it is slightly sparkly and warm and fuzzy. Another teacher had to give it a rub today; she said she wanted to touch it because it looked so cozy. Or maybe she wanted to rub my leg. Who knows . . .
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Everybody's Starry Eyed
Sweater: J Crew
Tank: J Crew
Skirt: Talbots
Shoes: Naturalizer
I'm not sure if even Dina can't guess my song from today's title.
It's from one my new music loves, Ellie Goulding. If you like light, girlie music and haven't heard of Ellie, you should check her out! She is amazing.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Check It Out!
Chris over at Granola 2 Glam was very kind to interview me for a series she is hosting on her blog. You can check out the interview here. Thanks again Chris!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Explosion of Yellow
Sweater: J Crew
Cami: J Crew
Skirt: J Crew
Shoes: Cole Haan
I'm still keeping up with the week of the pink but today pink took a minor role. It was overshadowed by the explosion of yellow.
For someone who hasn't ordered any J Crew in six months, I sure have a lot of it in my closet.
I did, however, order some J Crew this morning. I finally got the long wish listed, the much asked for Royal Paisley skirt.

Even with 30% off, it still was a big splurge. But I've been lusting after this skirt for months; I think it will be worth it.
I may drink the Crewlade again tomorrow (depending on updates). This double J Crew Factory sale is might tempting (30% off plus another 30% off)
Did you get anything from the J Crew sale?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Modelling her Best Assets
Sweater: J Crew
Tank: J Crew
Skirt: Ricki's
Shoes: Naturalizer
Kitty decided to get into the photo taking process tonight, as she often does. Tonight, however, she decided to model her best asset.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Sweater: Martin and Osa
Skirt: Talbots
Necklace: Reitman's
Shoes: Cole Haan
The week of the pink continues . . .
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
KDot + RDog
Romance is in the air and this couples survey is floating around blog land, so I thought I'd give it a try.
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We have been together just over 11 years.
2. How did you meet?
We met at a bar - yikes.
I was on this thing called a smoker. Basically a bunch of girls from my dorm got in a bus with a lot of alcohol and blacked out windows. The bus took us to an unknown city where we did a pub crawl. I ran into this cute guy who introduced himself by saying, "Hi, I'm a dork." He then shielded me from a bar fight and flying glass.
We discovered he went to high school with one of my good friends. I left on the bus at the end of the night while my friend stayed (breaking smoker rules). She gave him my phone number and the rest was history.
One of our first real dates.
3. If married, how long have you been married?
We've been married since July 5, 2008.
4. Where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We were married in my parents' backyard in Nova Scotia. They busted their butts getting everything perfect. My dad even build a gazebo that housed a string quartet.
The reception was at a local hotel. There were about 125 guests.
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another?
I really do call him RDog.
6. 3 things that I love most about RDog.
His patience. The man is a saint - he puts up with me and my crazy habits. His generosity - he is the first to give whatever his friends and family need. His humor - we have so much fun just laughing together about stupid stuff.
7. How did he propose?
RDog is really shy and it took him a long time to dig up the courage to propose. He gave me my ring for Christmas in 2006. It was wrapped up under the tree in a shoe box (to disguise the ring box). When I opened up the box, I kept on saying, "what does this mean, what does this mean?" He gave me a huge tight hug - I think he was too nervous to ask the question. I don't think he ever actually did ask me to marry him, I just started shouting yes.
8. Flowers and teddy bear or strawberries, champagne and rose petals for Valentine's Day?
We'll take wine and video games.
9. What makes 'us' work?
We are best friends and love spending time together.
10. Most romantic thing RDog has ever done for me?
We're not really into big gestures. I find the little things he does very romantic. Like when he gets me a class of water because I'm too lazy to get off the couch or when he installed a programmable thermostat in the bathroom so it's not cold when I get up at 6am (I hate the cold).
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We have been together just over 11 years.
2. How did you meet?
We met at a bar - yikes.
I was on this thing called a smoker. Basically a bunch of girls from my dorm got in a bus with a lot of alcohol and blacked out windows. The bus took us to an unknown city where we did a pub crawl. I ran into this cute guy who introduced himself by saying, "Hi, I'm a dork." He then shielded me from a bar fight and flying glass.
We discovered he went to high school with one of my good friends. I left on the bus at the end of the night while my friend stayed (breaking smoker rules). She gave him my phone number and the rest was history.
One of our first real dates.
3. If married, how long have you been married?
We've been married since July 5, 2008.
4. Where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We were married in my parents' backyard in Nova Scotia. They busted their butts getting everything perfect. My dad even build a gazebo that housed a string quartet.
The reception was at a local hotel. There were about 125 guests.
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another?
I really do call him RDog.
6. 3 things that I love most about RDog.
His patience. The man is a saint - he puts up with me and my crazy habits. His generosity - he is the first to give whatever his friends and family need. His humor - we have so much fun just laughing together about stupid stuff.
7. How did he propose?
RDog is really shy and it took him a long time to dig up the courage to propose. He gave me my ring for Christmas in 2006. It was wrapped up under the tree in a shoe box (to disguise the ring box). When I opened up the box, I kept on saying, "what does this mean, what does this mean?" He gave me a huge tight hug - I think he was too nervous to ask the question. I don't think he ever actually did ask me to marry him, I just started shouting yes.
8. Flowers and teddy bear or strawberries, champagne and rose petals for Valentine's Day?
We'll take wine and video games.
9. What makes 'us' work?
We are best friends and love spending time together.
10. Most romantic thing RDog has ever done for me?
We're not really into big gestures. I find the little things he does very romantic. Like when he gets me a class of water because I'm too lazy to get off the couch or when he installed a programmable thermostat in the bathroom so it's not cold when I get up at 6am (I hate the cold).
I Will Always Love You
Sweater: Banana Republic Factory
Skirt: Old Navy
Booties: Naturalizer
I hope everyone is having a happy Valentine's day!
To celebrate, RDog and I went out to a fancy dinner last Friday night. It's a very posh restaurant that we can only afford once a year.

Tonight is a more relaxing time. I have teacher meetings tomorrow so I don't mind staying up a little later than usual (bedtime is usually 10pm sharp). We're going to crack open some wine and play some video games. How romantic!
RDog came home with a rose and Maru's book for me tonight. If you love cats and haven't heard of Maru, you must check this out.
I gave him the gift of cash. :P He wants to start a hobby of putting together model airplanes. I wasn't sure what he needed to get started, so I just gave him the dough to buy what he needs. He was really excited.
It's our 12th V-Day together and the romance is still going strong. :P
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week of The Pink
Sweater: J Crew
Blouse: old Old Navy
Skirt: Cassis
Shoes: Naturalizer
Flower: J CRew
I have a system; an outfit choosing system.
On Sunday night, I pick out and try on all my clothes for the week. I find accessories and tights, steam all wrinkled pieces and hang everything in the laundry room ready to go to for the week.
I have to do things this way or I would be really late everyday. 6:30 am is not my best time.
This week, in the theme of Valentine's Day, I was struck by the pink bug while organizing this week's clothes. All my outfits for this week ended up having a bit of pink, so I am dubbing this the week of the pink.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Love Me, Love Me, Say That You Love Me
Sweater: J Crew
Blouse: J Crew
Skirt: Ricki's
Belt: Joe Fresh
Booties: Naturalizer
Earrings: RDog
I'm in the mood for 90's bands tonight. Anyone else remember the Cardigans?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I'm Stuck on You
Sweater: J Crew layered over a J Crew tank
Skirt: Talbots
Shoes: Cole Haan
I tried the self-timer picture again. We've been having such great sunsets. Too bad RDog isn't home in time to capture them.
This is a new skirt from Talbots. I love the skirt but was it ever fill of static today!
Our administrative assistant noticed the static and suggested I run a wire coat hanger on my skirt to stop it. I tried that trick. Yes, I stood in the office and stuck a wire hanger up my skirt. The teacher that walked in on that one got an eyeful.
It didn't really work so I gave up and went to a nearby drugstore to get a bottle of de-static-ify-ing. I have no idea what it is called; I've never needed it before.
Do you have any tricks to get rid of static cling?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
I Like Pina Coladas
Sweater: Land's End Canvas
Necklace: J Crew wannabe from EBay
Skirt: Ricki's
Booties: Naturalizer
I was excited when I arrived home tonight because the sun was still shinning. With the help of my timer, I thought I could get some great pictures.
I did get some great shots, I think. I just forgot to switch the camera off of RDog's manual settings, so they were pretty blurry.
I had to settle for pictures with the sun barely peeking out behind the trees.
At least it's better than an orange couch. I'm getting tired of looking at that thing.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Keeping It Real
Sweater: J Crew
Blouse: Land's End Canvas
Skirt: J Crew
Shoes: Cole Haan
Today I was having trouble keeping my blouse tucked into my skirt. So I tucked it into my tights. Unfortunately, I didn't tuck my tights into my skirt.
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