Monday, July 26, 2010

KDot in Seattle - Day Two

On our first full day in Seattle, the girls and I hit the shops. The three wives traveled to Seattle with the men and shopped while they worked!

I was on a mission to find RDog a Burberry coat that he had been drooling over for about a year. Burberry is a hard label to find in our part of the world. We checked Nordstrom's and knew that they carried this jacket and it was on sale. Unfortunately, the downtown Seattle location did not have it in stock. So off we went to Bellevue to hit the mall there.

Nordstrom's did not have RDog's jacket but they did have Burberry make-up. We spend at least an hour with the Burberry makeup girl, trying and buying. One of the wives I was traveling with is a make-up connoisseur (she knows her stuff!). She said it was really high quality make-up. I just wanted to get a lipstick to match my purse!

Then I popped in the Burberry store and there it was . . .


He was a happy boy. (Please excuse the bad hotel background)

I was also able to go to another J Crew. Again, the staff was so friendly towards me probably because I was giggling with glee that I was in J Crew. I really wanted to get some printed J Crew skirts and was happy when I found a few there.


The one of the far left is from The Loft. The other two are J Crew and were purchased on a heavy sale (like $110 originally for $20). KDot was a happy girl!