Tuesday, July 20, 2010

KDot in Seattle

We arrived in Seattle Sunday afternoon. Due to the ungodly hour we left the east coast and the time change, we arrived in Seattle with a whole afternoon ahead of us. My first impression of Seattle was that it is cold. Seriously, I"m from Canada and I found it cold. It's a good 10 degrees (Celsius) cooler here than home. My second impression of Seattle was that it reminded me of Halifax, Nova Scotia. That's a good thing; both are beautiful cities.

RDog didn't start work stuff until Monday so, us being us, we headed straight for Nordstrom and J Crew. Here is what I wore:

Tank: Gap
Pants: Liz Claibourne
Cardigan: J Crew
Shoes: Keds

We hit Nordstrom looking for a particular Burberry jacket that RDog has been eying for over a year. We didn't find it and the crowds overwhelmed me so we didn't stay for long. It was SO busy.

Next we hit J Crew. The workers were so nice probably because I was SO excited to finally be in a real j Crew. I,m such a nerd. They had an extra 30% off which I took full advantage of. Here is my haul:


All that for $200! Yup, those are t-shirts that you see. I felt that I didn't have enough of J Crew's see-through tees. They sucked me in again!

My best buys were these flats. Regular $118, I got them for $29.99 + 30% off.


My other favorite buy was this great Collection tank top. It was $24.00 + 30% off. The best part; I had to size waaaay down to an extra small. I like wearing an extra small. Vanity sizing works on me!

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More on the rest of my Seattle week to come . . .