Thursday, July 29, 2010

Score for KDot!

T-shirt: J Crew
Skirt: Old Navy
Flip flops: Simply Vera from Kohl's - It's nice to have a "better" version of the flip flop than my $1 Old Navy plastic version.
Hat: Forever 21

This t-shirt is actually a boy's shirt. I got the idea from Dina who has the same tee. During J Crew's last big sale, the had 30% off plus free shipping on Crewcuts. It was such a great deal, that I thought I'd give the boys section a try and see how boy sizes fits. The verdict: a boys' size 14 fits me perfectly. I expect to be wearing a few more boys shirts. They have cute prints, are cheaper than "grown up" tees and Crewcuts always have free shipping. Score for KDot!