Monday, October 10, 2011

Scenes from Thanksgiving

It was thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and the weather cooperated by taking a 25 degree jump. We had August temperatures in October! I wore a summer sundress!

Kitty celebrated by doing some suntanning.

October 9, 2011

We had the biggest meal yet in our house; 12 people and 2 tables!

October 9, 2011

RDog's only job of the day was to take lots of pictures. He drank many beer and was distracted by the pretty sky. When I checked the camera afterward, I found 10 Thanksgiving pictures and 50 pictures like this.

October 9, 2011

So that is the end of KDot and RDog's Thanksgiving scenes (unless you want to see 49 more pictures of a starry sky).


  1. Oh, I can't wait until our Thanksgiving in November. By far, best holiday ever!! There's always so much food and it's great to see the family. I love the dining area photo, gets me in the holiday mood!

  2. That's actually kind of a cool shot of the sky!

  3. Jenn, speaking of so much food, I"m still eating turkey and everyone left with leftovers. So much turkey. . .

    Eek, I agree with you but there were way too many of them!
