Skirt: Liz Claibourne (thrifted)
Cami: J Crew
Cardigan: Martin and Osa
Shoes: Karen Scott
Belt: Joe Fresh
I found the skirt at a second-hand store and even though the tag said it was a size 12, I tried it on. Its a wee big big but still wearable. My big tip for thrifting is try anything interesting on , regardless of size. I take a size 6-8 and try on anything from a 2 to a 12. Sometimes items have shrunk and that's why they have ended up where they are. Sometimes the sizing of the brand runs large or small. In other cases, you may love the item so much that it is worth it to get it altered.
My other tip is to get nicer thrifted items dry cleaned. It takes out the musty smell that sometimes comes with thrifted clothes. In the this skirt's case, even though the cleaning cost more than the skirt, it made a huge difference. The pleats are perfectly pressed and it feels new.

It felt like a twirling day.
After work, I popped into Costco and spied this. I'm not always about the skirts and heels.

Introducing my brand new snow pants. I didn't crop out my mouth so you can see my sexy model pout look.
I'm not a big outdoors person but these will be great for those snow days when I get to stay home and make snowmen while everyone else works. Hopefully, this winter matches last year's 11 snow days!