RDog grew jealous of my Martin and Osa orders so he decided to do some spending on his own last week. He had a code for %25 off and free shipping. And he let me throw a few itens into his cart so good deals were had by all. Her is what he got:
Leather Motorcycle JacketHe is not allowed to get an actual motorcycle so this is the cloest he will ever get to a cool biker look. He is digging the jacket and says it is nice and thin, perfect for fall layering.
Under the jacket is the
Cotton-Wool Exposed Seam V-Neck Ringer Sweater. Boy, that is a mouthful.

This sweater has disappeared from Martin and Osa's site and I don't remember the name. I like it because it is nice and tight. RDog responded by flexing his muscles. Here's a hint RDog: don't pose in a silly fashion when your wife is standing in front of you with a camera. She WILL post it on her blog.
More on my new duds to come.